The first pdf is about applying cutlery theory that helps you spend limited energy in a way that benefits you the most.
The second document is an excel sheet that collates information of Indian origin Muslim therapists so that Muslim clients can find the right fit - in this document you will find whether they are trained to work with queer/trans/dalit populations in addition to other information. However, we do not endorse each therapist on this list. We have simply collected the information.
The third document is a list of support groups across India listed based on issue/location. The fourth document is a helpline database that we checked for overall empathy/politeness as well as their intersectional understanding of various issues like body image, self harm, queer trans issues and women's issues.
Guftagu Counseling and Psychotherapy Services
Our working hours are 10 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, barring public holidays. Please expect a turn-around time of at least 24 hours if you write to us outside of these timings. In case you are in crisis, it is best to reach out to a crisis helpline: SNEHA (044-24640059) or SAMARITANS (+918422984528 or write to